Play Pose βeta
Mandatory Poses

Alternative Poses

The Rest

Agreed: 0
Disagreed: 0
Pending: 0
Play Pose βeta

What is it?
Play Pose is a fun way of identifying bodybuilding poses and earning credits. We introduced this program to seek your help to sort through ThaiBody's ever growing photo collection.

How does it work?
We show a random ThaiBody photo on the right, and you choose the pose that best matches the description on the left. If a majority of other players agree with your choice, then you will earn one credit, and one point is added to your “Agreed” score. Disagreements will only increase your “Disagreed” score.

To see examples of how each pose looks like, hover over its name. Deselect the “Hover for Pose Information” checkbox to switch this off. Your total “Agreed” and “Disagreed” answers are shown at the bottom of the page. “Pending” tells you how many of your answers still need to be verified by other players.

Who can play?
Anyone can participate and earn credits, but you must have a ThaiBody Account with a verified email address.

What are credits?
As said, credits are earned by giving correct answers. Credits can be used to purchase selected items from our store such as photo and video downloads (coming soon). Your credit balance is shown behind your username at the top of the screen.

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